Human Trafficking Doesn't Only Happen "Over There"

In May of 2018 Campbell County, Kentucky ex-Judge Tim Nolan was sentenced to 20 years in prison for human trafficking and other sex crimes. Nolan was a well-known activist, lawyer, and politician. Six months later an attorney named Robert Poole, also of Kentucky, was arrested on similar charges. The charges against Poole include human trafficking and bribing a witness. Poole's indictment stemmed from the case against Nolan.

The arrests of Nolan and Poole demonstrate that modern day enslavement does not just occur in countries like Mauritania, China, and India. Human trafficking also happens here in the United States where enslavement is supposed to be a relic of the past. Moreover, traffickers can be people whom we expect to be pillars of the community like judges and attorneys.

For more information about the arrest of Robert Poole and developments in the case against ex-Judge Nolan, click the button above. Click here for more information about how human trafficking has an impact on US states such as Ohio. Learn about the importance of prosecuting modern-day enslavers here.

Forms of Abolition:

Forms of Slavery:
Sex Trafficking