Sex Trafficking

December 01, 2018 End Slavery Now Story

You Can’t Get AIDS From A Hug: Why We Honor World AIDS Day

December 1 is World AIDS Day. Today is the day we honor those who have passed on from HIV/AIDS, support those who are living with it, and renew our commitment to finding a cure or vaccine in our lifetimes. It is also a good day to remember that those most vulnerable to modern day enslavement are also at risk for HIV infection.

December 28, 2017 Dorchen Leidholdt Spotlight

The New Abolitionists

America has a new generation of 21st century abolitionists, women and men committed to ending human trafficking here in our country and everywhere. This gallery of portraits celebrates New Abolitionists and their determination to end slavery once and for all in our lifetimes.

June 30, 2016 Mariah Long Opinion

Why Do They Get Away With It

When she looked at the three of us and asked “but how can they get away with it?” I felt so much guilt rush over me.

June 23, 2016 Tony Sinkewich Opinion

A Look At Trafficking in a MidWestern State

The reality is that human trafficking has been reported in all 50 states in the U.S., so no matter where you live in this country, you are in close proximity to somebody held captive in the land of the free.

June 16, 2016 Mariah Long Opinion

Let's Talk About Sex Trafficking Documentaries

One of the most common requests and updates I get are for documentaries to raise awareness about sex trafficking. I know these documentaries are being made for the right reasons but I also feel that people do not know how many of these documentaries already exist.

June 09, 2016 Mariah Long Opinion

Basics About Trafficking and End Slavery Now - FAQ

Why is human trafficking happening? And more frequently asked questions.

May 19, 2016 Brooke Hathaway Video

The Myth of Abduction

The stereotype has been influenced by the movie Taken, which brought awareness to the issue of sex trafficking but also left people thinking that trafficking is white women bring kidnapped and sold to the highest bidder.

April 04, 2016 Cazzie Reyes Opinion

FAQ: Will Legalizing or Decriminalizing Prostitution Decrease Sex Trafficking?

Can certain prostitution policies and models reduce sex trafficking?