The Salvation Army Initiative Against Sexual Trafficking


Since its inception, The Salvation Army has sought to reduce the worldwide phenomenon of abuse of individuals or groups of people for personal gain, now defined by the United Nations as human trafficking. It has established places of refuge for victims, sought legal changes that would both prevent trafficking and punish those involved and it has created alternatives for those vulnerable to trafficking. Through its constituent territories, corps, centers and individual members, The Salvation Army continues to plan and undertake culturally and biblically appropriate responses which will help to eliminate the development or continuation of any form of human trafficking.


To preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in his name without discrimination

  • Contact Information:
  • 615 Slaters Lane
  • Alexandria, Virginia 22314
  • United States
  • Active In: United States
  • Forms of Abolition:
  • Awareness, Aftercare
  • Forms of Slavery:
  • Sex Trafficking