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Mary Ward Loreto (MWL), founded under the Albanian law, as an NGO on January 11th 2013, is a non-profit organization providing development programs for vulnerable communities in Albania. This organization has as its inspiration the charism of Mary Ward. The core values of Mary Ward Loreto are FREEDOM, JUSTICE and SINCERITY and are derived from the philosophy of Mary Ward a 16th century English woman who was the Foundress of an international religious congregation.
To empower each human person with whom we work for Freedom, Justice and to speak their truth. This mission is to create a better quality of life for members of local communities, notably vulnerable populations, to claim their human right to have human dignity. The aspiration of MWL is to significantly reduce the vulnerability for exploitation and the crime of modern day slavery. There is also the call to enable the victims of human trafficking to develop new lives with greater security, hope and love. The main strategic goal of the project is to join forces with many partners, and to increase local impact under common ethical and quality standards of governance. MWL is poised to provide a prophetic and indispensable future, full of hope, for the most vulnerable in the context of exploitation and modern day slavery in Albania.
Mary Ward Loreto will be nationally recognized as the main organization in support of freedom, justice and hope in Albania. It will be known for strong advocacy, operational excellence and will take the initiative to add value to vulnerable populations through customized products produced by the local population and services. The mission of Mary Ward Loreto is forwarded by professional Albanian men and women. All will be helped to understand the charism of Mary Ward and will be trained in leadership according to modern methodology. There will be an understanding of the philosophy of respect for each one and the need for leadership/managerial qualities in all staff. MWL will sustain its operations through working partnerships with all organizations, projects and working Boards who will be part of this loose structure or synergy. Funding will be achieved through partnerships and Mary Ward Loreto will have a working Board who will ensure the sustainability of the Foundation.