Watch "Let's Talk: Human Trafficking Awareness" Webinar by NURFC
Watch this meaningful discussion exploring the current state of human trafficking with the impact of the pandemic and continuous systemic racial inequalities.
The toll free number is a device set up by the Prime Minister's Office - Department for Equal Opportunities as a preparatory action system, as part of action in favor of victims of human trafficking for exploitation under art. 18 of Legislative Decree 286/98 (the Immigration Act), and the Law 228/2003 concerning measures against trafficking in persons. The first recipients are the trafficked persons subjected to any form of exploitation, the device can also be activated by law enforcement agencies, judicial authorities, social services, Social Health, Health Territorial Entities Private Social Associations of the world labor, private citizens.
to inform the people in conditions of exploitation, subject to trafficking, slavery servitude, the possibilities offered by Italian law to escape from their traffickers; allow operators directly responsible to counter the risk of exploitation and trafficking, as well as those who in a helping relationship with people potential victims of exploitation, to have a network specialized in social intervention, capable of responding to the urgency and in ' Emergency reception of the distress call and ready to assist the victims.